Formulation : Suspension concentrate (SC)
Active Ingredient: 500 g/l Dodine
Packaging: 1 lt.
A protective and curative local systemic fungicide applied on green parts.
Method Of Application
Black pepper in pistachios:
1st application: If the struggle with protective fungicides is to be made, the applications must be before the first infections, during the period when the leaves begin to open; If therapeutic fungicides are to be combated, the fruits should be as large as chickpeas and when the leaves are fully opened. In addition, therapeutic fungicides can be applied until the first symptoms are seen.
2nd application and other applications: It is done at 15-day intervals, taking into account the characteristics of the plant protection product used, its duration of action and precipitation.
Peach leaf curl: Application is made when the buds start to swell.
Black spot of apple:
1st spraying: When the flower buds swell (when they are about to burst) (3-5 days earlier if branches are affected);
2nd spraying: At the pink flower bud stage (then the flowers are seen separately with their short stems);
3rd spraying: When 70-80% of the petals have fallen;
4th and other applications are also made at 12-14 day intervals by taking into account the effective period of the product depending on the weather conditions.
Flower monilia in stone fruit (Apricot):
1st application: At the beginning of flowering (5-10% in flower),
2nd application: It is done in full bloom (90-100% in flower).
Quince monilia: Before the application, the mummy fruits hanging on the tree should be collected one year before.
1. Application: When 5% of the flowers bloom,
2. Application: When 50% of the flowers bloom,
3. Application: It should be done during the full flowering period (when 90-100% of the flowers open).
Miscibility: Can be mixed with other pesticides. However, should not be mixed with certain groups of pesticides, e.g. Trichlorfon, Phosalone, Copper, Metalaxyl, Tetradifon, Iprodione, Sulfur, Methyl Parathion, and Dinitro compounds.
Detailed Table Information
Peach | Leaf Curl (Taphrina deformans) | 175 ml / 100 l water | 14 day |
Apricot | Flower monilia in stone fruit (Monilinia laxa) | 80 ml / 100 l water | 14 day |
Apple | Black stain (Venturia inaequalis) | 80 ml / 100 l water | 14 day |
Quince | Monilya (Sclerotinia linhartiana) | 100 ml / 100 l water | 14 day |
Pistachios | Karazenk (Pseudocercospora pistacina) | 100 ml / 100 l water | 14 day |